Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bootcamp Dreamin'

So tomorrow morning, bright and early at 6am, is my very first boot-camp class.  I purchased it last week on LivingSocial, as it had a class available exactly when I wanted.  It's for 4 weeks in a row, offered on Mon, Tues, Thur, and Fri - and I'm allowed to go as often as I want.  I guess that will depend on how sore I get...

Last night I went for a 3 mile run/walk and I'm feeling it this morning.  Sad.  I guess that's what happens when you refuse to stay in running shape on a treadmill during the winter.  Looking forward to my half marathon next weekend, even though I know it's going to totally kick my ass.

In other news, I get to see my favorite friend Sarah this weekend!  She is from North Carolina and I'm in Chicago, so we are driving to our halfway point between our respectable cities to the grand allure of Lexington, KY.  Never been, but it should be fun for the sheer fact that I'll get to see her for the first time in over a year.

Sarah and I in Tampa, FL - December 2010

Our friend Amanda also now lives in Lexington, who Sarah and I met while on a study abroad adventure in Sydney, Australia back in 2007.  It'll be amazing to catch up with her!


  1. I almost signed up for that same boot camp! I chickened out though, i am just such a wimp. Good luck!!

  2. Thanks - I'm super nervous! But hopefully it'll make my abs stronger as swimsuit season is upon us with all this wonderful weather!

  3. totally reminded me that I bought a groupon for a 6 week bootcamp. I should redeem that :)

  4. How did bootcamp go?!

    Tell us more about Australia!

  5. Bootcamp = don't get me started. I get an email last night from the place saying... "I sincerely apologize but our trainer is no longer able to train the classes at the West Loop location. We do need to cancel the classes indefinitely. Thank you for your understanding."

    aka bait and switch. Not a happy camper. Trying to get my money back now because none of the other locations work for my schedule.
