Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chicago Marathon

Last year, right after the Chicago Marathon, I posted this on a blog I was kind of writing at the time:

Really, who can’t have a good day when it starts like this?  Yesterday was the big marathon – 45,000 runners.  It was a fantastic day, weekend even.  Carb load Friday night at Viaggio, our favorite Italian restaurant.  Joe and I went to get his gear and everything at the expo on Saturday afternoon.  It was seriously very much resembling a mall in there.  Nike overtook everything.  Its own men’s department, women’s department, shoe department… countless stations to purchase protein bars, energy gels and goos, running sunglasses, and absolutely anything else you can think of.

Sunday was an early day with us getting up at 5am so he could pop a few bananas and a Clif bar a good two and a half hours before the race start time.  I drove him downtown so he could check his gear, then I headed up to Mile 4, which was where we handed out the above mentioned free beer to runners.  Mile 11 he was looking great as well, then I caught him down in Chinatown at mile 20.5, then again at Sox park at mile 23, then after the big finish.  I can’t even describe how proud of him I am.  He did his very first marathon in 3:34:24!

And as an extra surprise, my parents made the drive in from Michigan to celebrate with us after the race!  The crowd was amazing, and the runners were so inspiring.  So inspiring, in fact, that I’ve been seriously thinking about if I want to do the full marathon next year…

But now... now, I can say for certain that this is something I'll be doing.  I'm registered, and I'm running for charity.  Stay tuned for details on the great cause you can help me help.

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